'Alkaline Food Shopping @ Aldi | DR. SEBI APPROVED SUBSCRIBE to our channel: http://www.youtube.com/c/scipherliving In this video we take you in a local Aldi to show you that there are some good healthy choices of food with good prices. If you follow a plant based lifestyle this supermarket is a great choice. Also, if you can\'t find what you are looking for if following Dr. Sebi\'s nutritional guide, try asking the manager to stock it. This video is a gem in that after filming we were told by the staff that we are not allowed to film. Once we told them it would be for advertisement for the store, they softened up a bit, lol. What a great experience! Be sure to check out our other shopping sprees in the links below at other markets such as Sprouts, etc. Enjoy! ***************************************************** Thank you for checking out our channel please LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, and don\'t forget to click the bell for updates and notifications !! One Love! ***************************************************** ANYONE WHO WOULD LIKE TO DONATE: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=X9HX9DQ2EPUTA&source=url ***************************************************** Watch these videos on our other shopping sprees @: Local Produce Market: https://youtu.be/4jW_tKq_Fxw Sprouts Farmers Market: https://youtu.be/mYDNOK3EgNA H Mart Market: https://youtu.be/RMIDEAnbUow ***************************************************** Check out our website for amazing natural products: https://www.scipherliving.com ***************************************************** Connect with us: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScipherLiving/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/scipher_living/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ScipherLiving ***************************************************** #scipherliving #pureunrefinedblacksoap #pureunrefinedsheabutter #drsebi #alkalineliving #offgrid #healthyliving #africanblacksoap #africansheabutter #seamoss #chondruscrispus #soursopleafpowder #selfsufficiency #drsebi #eattolive #drinktolive #thinktolive #eattolive_drinktolive_thinktolive'
Tags: Raw , gluten free , healthy living , plant based , nutritional guide , alkaline vegan , alkaline electric , Electric Food , aldi , eat to live , dairy free , drsebi , food shopping , shopping at aldi , Alkaline Living , scipher living
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